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346 products in Books

Showing: 109 - 120 of 346 products

End the Fed

( 0.05589833 BCH )

In the post-meltdown world, it is irresponsible, ineffective, and ultimately useless to have a serious economic debate without considering and challenging the role of the Federal Reserve. Most people think of the Fed as an indispensable institution without which the country's economy could not properly function. But in End the Fed, Ron Paul draws on American history, economics, and fascinating stories from his own long political life to argue that the Fed is both corrupt and unconstitutional. It is inflating currency today at nearly a Weimar or Zimbabwe level, a practice that threatens to put us into an inflationary depression where $100 bills are worthless. What most people don't realize is that the Fed -- created by the Morgans and Rockefellers at a private club off the coast of Georgia -- is actually working against their own personal interests. Congressman Paul's urgent appeal to all citizens and officials tells us where we went wrong and what we need to do fix America's economic policy for future generations.

Essential Calculus Skills Practice Workbook with Full Solutions

( 0.03955192 BCH )

The author, Chris McMullen, Ph.D., has over twenty years of experience teaching math skills to physics students. He prepared this comprehensive workbook (with full solutions to every problem) to share his strategies for mastering calculus. This workbook covers a variety of essential calculus skills, including: * derivatives of polynomials, trig functions, exponentials, and logarithms * the chain rule, product rule, and quotient rule * second derivatives * how to find the extreme values of a function * limits, including l’Hopital’s rule * antiderivatives of polynomials, trig functions, exponentials, and logarithms * definite and indefinite integrals * techniques of integration, including substitution, trig sub, and integration by parts * multiple integrals The goal of this workbook isn’t to cover every possible topic from calculus, but to focus on the most essential skills needed to apply calculus to other subjects, such as physics or engineering.

Backgammon: From Basics to Badass

( 0.11923268 BCH )

"Backgammon – From basics to badass" is the cutting edge, modern backgammon book, which teaches you all the basic concepts and principles in the game. It beats the older backgammon theory books by a mile. It starts out softly, but don't let this fool you! The book is full of insights from a true expert. The philosophy is a thorough and well structured learning, which leaves you no gaps in your game comprehension, as well asbringing new theory to the backgammon literature, for instance ”the value-equation” and probability tables on jumping primes. It is very easy to read even for beginners. The purpose of the book is to connect the basic theory with the advanced theory. All earlier backgammon books tends to focus on just one of these categories. Since publication in Denmark early 2013, this book is now owned by roughly half of the members of the Danish Backgammon Federation, the worlds largest backgammon federation. When writing this book, Marc was ranked frst in the Danish rating system. In 2014 Marc won his frst ”Grand Slam”, the prestigious international tournament: Nordic Open in Copenhagen. Reviews: "It's my humble opinion, that this is a must-read for everyone who wants to take his game to another level. The book is highly informative, easy to read and packed with educational positions. I've been privileged to know Marc for many years, and he is currently the best backgammon tutor in the world. Don't waste this formidable chance, buy this book right away!"- Sander Lylloff, the best backgammon player in the world. "Tremendous all-round book which suits backgammon players of all levels. It presents the concepts in a sharp but still educational way. The book has numerous new approaches to the facets of the game, that can be very complex. It appeals to new, as well as more experienced players. I'm positive that everybody can obtain new knowledge and inspiration. Read it!"- Karsten Bredahl, Super Grand Master and double winner of Nordic Open. "Marc has truly succeeded in writing a book, which starts from the bottom and ends on a very high level, without the usual gaps you can encounter. It is a solid book that everybody can beneft from, regardless of experience. The examples and explanations are top notch."- Peter Hallberg, backgammon world champion 2004.

How to Read a Book: The Classic Guide to Intelligent Reading

( 0.0384301 BCH )

With half a million copies in print, How to Read a Book is the best and most successful guide to reading comprehension for the general reader, completely rewritten and updated with new material. A CNN Book of the Week: “Explains not just why we should read books, but how we should read them. It's masterfully done.” –Farheed Zakaria Originally published in 1940, this book is a rare phenomenon, a living classic that introduces and elucidates the various levels of reading and how to achieve them—from elementary reading, through systematic skimming and inspectional reading, to speed reading. Readers will learn when and how to “judge a book by its cover,” and also how to X-ray it, read critically, and extract the author’s message from the text. Also included is instruction in the different techniques that work best for reading particular genres, such as practical books, imaginative literature, plays, poetry, history, science and mathematics, philosophy and social science works. Finally, the authors offer a recommended reading list and supply reading tests you can use measure your own progress in reading skills, comprehension, and speed.

Arta Game 3 - ARTA contra el alien máximo (Lo más visto)

( 0.06757958 BCH )

¡Arta vivirá su misión más épica en un libro increíble a todo color! ¿Estás preparado para sobrevivir contra el alien máximo? ARTA ESTÁ EN PELIGRO. ¿SOBREVIVIRÁ CONTRA EL ALIEN MÁXIMO? El mundo ha sido invadido por un montón de extraterrestres. AL PRINCIPIO solo eran unos cuantos aliens. DESPUÉS llegaron más naves. Y AHORA muchos humanos se han pasado al bando de los extraterrestres. Arta y sus amigos tienen que hacer algo si quieren parar la invasión alienígena. Pero la única manera de acabar con los extraterrestres es derrotar al ALIEN MÁXIMO, y enfrentarse a ese monstruo verde puede significar el fin de todo. CADA PASO QUE DAN LOS ALIENS PONE EN PELIGRO EL PLANETA TIERRA... ¿CONSEGUIRÁN SOBREVIVIR Y DERROTAR AL ALIEN MÁXIMO ANTES DE QUE ARRASE CON TODO?

Piense y hágase rico (Éxito)

( 0.02353695 BCH )

Un clásico para alcanzar la riqueza Tras más de veinte años investigando científicamente a los hombres más ricos de su época, Napoleon Hill aprendió el secreto de la riqueza del famoso industrial y escritor Andrew Carnegie. Carnegie no sólo llegó a ser multimillonario sino que hizo millonarios a una multitud de personas a las que enseñó su sabiduría. Piense y hágase rico es una obra diseñada a partir de una experiencia para conseguir el triunfo económico y personal de la humanidad entera. Gracias a este libro, la riqueza y la realización personal están al alcance de todas aquellas personas que lo deseen. No dejes el éxito en manos de unos pocos y lucha por tu trozo de pastel.

Cómo hacer que te pasen cosas buenas: Entiende tu cerebro, gestiona tus emociones, mejora tu vida (Crecimiento personal)

( 0.07078916 BCH )

Disfruta el presente, supera el pasado y mira con ilusión el futuro ¿Eres consciente de que tu manera de gestionar los conflictos te puede predisponer a sufrir ansiedad o depresión, las enfermedades más frecuentes del siglo XXI? Para la doctora Marian Rojas Estapé la felicidad consiste en vivir instalado de forma sana en el presente, habiendo superado las heridas del pasado y mirando con ilusión al futuro. Muchos de los trastornos que padecemos provienen de la incapacidad para gestionar nuestro presente. La felicidad no es lo que nos pasa, sino cómo interpretamos lo que nos pasa. En Cómo hacer que te pasen cosas buenas entenderás la importancia de aprender a enfocar tu atención y descubrirás pautas para combatir los miedos, las angustias y cómo canalizar las emociones negativas que te llegan a bloquear física y mentalmente.

Fray Perico y su borrico: 240 (El Barco de Vapor Naranja)

( 0.03116863 BCH )

En el siglo XIX, la llegada de fray Perico y su borrico Calcetín va a trastornar la apacible existencia de los veinte frailes de un convento de Salamanca que viven haciendo el bien y repartiendo lo poco que tienen. El convento no tardará en vivir situaciones disparatadas, llenas de humor y alegría, gracias a este simpático personaje.Una divertida historia de aventuras sobre un fraile y su borrico.

El cuco de cristal (SUMA)

( 0.07417706 BCH )

¿ESTÁS PREPARADO PARA ARRIESGAR TU CORAZÓN? Vuelve Javier Castillo MAGNÉTICA - SALVAJE - MONUMENTAL - TREPIDANTE El regreso más esperado MÁS DE 2.500.000 DE EJEMPLARES VENDIDOS Un trasplante de urgencia Un donante lleno de secretos ¿Qué esconden los latidos de tu corazón? Nueva York, 2017. Cora Merlo, médico residente de primer año, sufre un infarto fulminante que la obliga a un trasplante de corazón. Aún convaleciente la joven recibe la visita de una extraña mujer con una enigmática oferta: pasar unos días en Steelville, un pequeño pueblo de interior, para conocer la vida de su hijo Charles, el donante de su corazón. Cora se adentra así en un hogar lleno de secretos, en un misterio que se extiende durante veinte años y en un pueblo hermético en el que, justo el día de su llegada, desaparece un bebé en un parque público.

The Gulag Archipelago [Volume 1]: An Experiment in Literary Investigation

( 0.03416721 BCH )

“BEST NONFICTION BOOK OF THE 20TH CENTURY.” —Time Volume 1 of the gripping epic masterpiece, Solzhenitsyn's chilling report of his arrest and interrogation, which exposed to the world the vast bureaucracy of secret police that haunted Soviet society. Features a new foreword by Anne Applebaum. “The greatest and most powerful single indictment of a political regime ever leveled in modern times.” —George F. Kennan “It is impossible to name a book that had a greater effect on the political and moral consciousness of the late twentieth century.” —David Remnick, The New Yorker “Solzhenitsyn’s masterpiece. . . . The Gulag Archipelago helped create the world we live in today.” —Anne Applebaum, Pulitzer Prize-winning author of Gulag: A History, from the foreword


( 0.07996923 BCH )

UNBAR takes the battle of ideas to the globalists’ doorstep and challenges the belief system and science that underpins the policies of the World Economic Forum. It’s a 99.99% certainty that you haven’t been taught anything about UNBAR’s insight in the fundamental factors that affect geopolitics, globalization and the future of our civilization. "UNBAR makes a concise yet powerful case for supporting decentralized money, and explains why it is conducive to human flourishing in all its myriad forms." Lyn Alden, Author of Broken Money "UNBAR is a must-read for those seeking a nuanced understanding of the relationship between geopolitics, power and money. The author strings along concise links between civilizations' past and shares lessons we can draw from it. As a result, UNBAR provides a unique synthesis and analysis of case studies which serve as a thought-provoking guide that emphasizes the importance of personal responsibility and collective action in shaping the future. The book explores the risks to the American hegemony, and through critical examination it offers a sophisticated analysis of the geopolitics of money. UNBAR demonstrates the significance of monetary freedom and the impact it has had on civilizations and people. The author introduces Bitcoin as a bridge that connects to our previous monetary freedom roots and argues that this new technology is a transformative force that has a positive effect on the development of the new world order. While the book starts with a preface that builds intrigue, it ends with a highly effective afterword dedicated to the youth – where the author emphasizes the need for discipline, virtue, action and a collective sense of purpose as the primary way to escape the perilous economic conditions of today." Abubakar Nur Khalil, Bitcoin Core developer

Liberalismo: Los 10 principios básicos del orden político liberal (Deusto)

( 0.06757958 BCH )

El concepto «liberalismo» aparece de manera cotidiana en las conversaciones y debates sobre política, economía o moral. Sin embargo, su significado e implicaciones pueden con frecuencia no ser evidentes e incluso resultar engañosas. ¿El liberalismo supone estar a favor de una fiscalidad reducida? ¿O hace referencia a un conjunto de ideas progresistas en asuntos como la religión, las drogas, la eutanasia o la sexualidad? ¿Está a favor de las grandes empresas y de sus conexiones con el poder político o justo de lo contrario? ¿Ser liberal significa mostrarse partidario del derecho a la autodeterminación de los pueblos, de la unidad de las naciones históricas o de ninguno de estos conceptos? ¿O acaso el liberalismo equivale simplemente a la defensa de un sistema democrático similar al actual? En este libro, Juan Ramón Rallo, uno de nuestros más valiosos pensadores liberales, expone cuáles son los diez principios nucleares del liberalismo para así clarificar su significado actual. Según Rallo, el liberalismo es una filosofía política minimalista que no pretende establecer de manera rígida lo que está bien y lo que está mal en todos los aspectos de nuestra existencia, sino que únicamente aspira a descubrir cuál es el marco jurídico necesario para que cada uno pueda vivir su propia vida sin más limitación que la de respetar a los demás. El liberalismo promueve un conjunto de derechos humanos de carácter universal e igualitario ―la libertad personal, la propiedad privada, la autonomía contractual y la reparación del daño causado― que se materializan globalmente en la libre asociación civil y en el libre comercio generalizado. De este modo, el orden político liberal sienta las bases jurídicas que permiten la coexistencia, la cooperación y la convivencia pacífica entre todas las personas, al tiempo que se respetan los heterogéneos, plurales y diversos proyectos de vida de cada una de ellas.