Bring home the excitement of Transformers robots with this Cyber Commander series Optimus Prime figure! The Transformers are sentient robots from the distant planet, Cybertron. Two factions, the heroic Autobots and the evil Decepticons are in an ever-raging battle. The legendary Autobot leader, Optimus Prime, fights to defend all life, while his nemesis, the merciless Decepticon leader, Megatron, fights to destroy it. This timeless 11-inch scale Transformers Optimus Prime figure is essential when starting a Transformers toy collection. Featuring classic Transformers conversion for kids 6 and up, kids can change this Optimus Prime action figure from toy robot to toy truck in 6 easy steps. Collect other Cyber Commander Series figures so kids can create their own Autobot vs. Decepticon battles and imagine Optimus Prime leading the heroic Autobots against the evil Decepticons! (Each sold separately. Subject to availability). Transformers and all related characters are trademarks of Hasbro.
Educational Objective(s) | Social Skill |
Model Number | C2001 |
Number of Game Players | 1 |
Number of Pieces | 1 |
Assembly Required | No |
Batteries Required? | No |
Batteries Included? | No |
Material Type(s) | Plastic |
Remote Control Included? | No |
Colour | Blue,Red |
Release date | 1 January 2018 |
Manufacturer recommended age | 6 years and up |
Item model number | C2001 |
Product Dimensions | 16.51 x 8.31 x 27.89 cm; 522 Grams |