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Door Security Bar - Heavy Duty Door Jammer Security Bar - Adjustable Sliding Door Security Bar - Door Stoppers Security Bar for Patio, Window, Front Door Apartment, Home, Hotel Room

  • Add Extra Security - Security door stopper could prevent the intruder or beast from breaking in, buy you more time to call the police or to take matters into your own hands. Even save your life.
  • Sturdy & Stable - Our door barricade security bar is crafted from of high grade iron to withstand 550 pounds of pressure. Door bar has large rubber pad attached that protects your floor and adds resistance to someone attempting to open your door.
  • Easy to Install - All you have to do is adjust door stopper bar to your doorknob height from the floor. Before you go to bed at night, you just need to prop door lock bar up against your door and tighten it the door by kicking the bottom with the heel of your foot.
  • Adjustable for Diffrent Objects - Sliding door lock bar can be adjusted in the range of 29-45 inches. You just adjust the length of the bar to fit under your door knob.
  • Multifunction Door Stoppers - Available for sliding glass door, window, front door, back door, patio door, apartment, home, hotel room...
Category: Others


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