Felt Cloud Mobile for Crib - Baby Mobile for Crib - Crib Mobile for Girls, Boys - Boho Crib Mobile - Felt Cloud
đ€ăCRIB MOBILE FOR GIRLS & BOYSăBeautiful baby crib mobile, in soft and natural colors - white, cream, and wood color. Neutral soothing tones make this crib mobile suitable for both boys and girls. Perfectly complements any nursery decor or bohemian decor in any room of the house.
đ€ăEASY TO INSTALLăA rope is provided to hang this crib mobile. You can easily hang your baby mobile on a crib mobile arm (not included) or on a ceiling hook (also not included), no matter where you want to hang, may be a crib, bassinet, pack n play or changing table. But please always keep out of reach of small children.
đ€ăNATURAL ECO-FRIENDLY MATERIALăThe gorgeous felt cloud mobile is made of 100% eco-friendly natural materials - cotton, yarn, and wooden hoop. All felt clouds and balls are handmade from 100% wool and individually rolled. Soft and light-weight! Handmade with Baby in Mind!
đ€ăMULTIPURPOSE BOHO CRIB MOBILEă Keep baby engaged and entertained. Helps your baby's mental, emotional, and physical development throug...