Gya Labs English Lavender Essential Oil for Diffuser - 0.34 Fl Oz - 100% Pure Natural English Lavender Oil for Skin, Hair & Candle Making Floral Herbaceous Scent
$8.49( 0.01969609 BCH )
Lavender oil essential oil for diffuser & candle making. Lavender essential oil for diffuser creates a calming atmosphere in aromatherapy and massage therapy. Diffuse 2 drops of lavender oil diffuser in the evenings to enjoy its calming scent.
Lavender essential oils for skin. Lavender oil essential oil for skin moisturizes and is a great add on for your skincare routines. Apply 2 drops of lavender oil for skin with moisturizer on face to elevate your skincare.
For hair care & scalp. English lavender oil for hair may have properties to maintain overall hair and scalp care. Mix a few drops with a carrier oil to make a pre-shower scalp massage. Rinse off in the shower.
Essential oil lavender oil blends well with other oils. Make an uplifting diffuser blend by mixing 2 drops of lavender essential oil with bergamot lemon and eucalyptus each.
Flexible for DIY candle making. Add english lavender oil to DIYs like outdoor & room spray, soaps, roll on, shower gel or when candle making. Mix 3 drops with ca...