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Beginner's Introduction To Privacy


    This book is an introduction to privacy in the digital age.
    There are cracks it today's surveillance systems that can be learnt by privacy-conscious people. This book aims to teach you about some of the highest impact things you can do to begin your privacy journey.

    It’s important to understand that each layer of privacy you add isn’t bulletproof, but we’ll show you how to layer solutions, to give yourself the best possible chance to maintain your privacy in the digital age.

    This isn’t a computer science book. We’re not going to dive into the nitty gritty complexities of how computers work. But we are going to give you enough information that you can make more informed decisions in your life.

    This book is not to persuade you to stop using certain products and services, it’s to make you aware of how these products and services might be harming you, so that you can make your own decision about what’s best for your life. This way we can be more empowered human beings.
    Empower yourself. Reclaim your privacy in the digital age.

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