Recommended if you have a partnership, own a S or C Corp, Multi-Member LLC, manage a trust or estate, or need to file a separate tax return for your business.
The primary differentiator between Home & Business and Business is based upon entity type. Those who file with TurboTax Business will still need to file their personal taxes.
Includes 5 Federal e-files. Business State is sold separately via download. Free U.S.-based product support (hours may vary).
Your downloaded software resides on your computer, so you can view and manage your tax data (Intuit Account required).
Boost your bottom line with industry-specific tax deductions and credits.
Up-to-date with the latest tax laws so you have the latest information.
Create and e-file W-2s and 1099s for your employees and contractors using Quick Employer Forms.
Create K-1 forms electronically in PDF format.
Save time with streamlined asset depreciation and reporting.
Includes audit alerts which flag areas that might trigger an IRS audit.